Thursday, September 18, 2008

This weekend we took our first road trip in our new van to Minnesota for Mommy's cousin's wedding.

We watched LaLa (aka Elmo) over and over.

And took a little nap.

Our first night in a hotel and we did great!

Breakfast was a little different in the hotel room.

Cheerios and Seame Street what more can you ask for.

Katelyn is our little guppy

Lauren swimming with Daddy.

Swimming in the hotel pool.

Lauren swimming with Grandpa.

Katelyn swimming with Grandma.

Lauren taking a ride on Daddy's tummy.

Katelyn loved it when Daddy threw her high in the air.

Lauren kept trying to drink the water.

Kick those feet Katelyn.

Uncle Brian & Alissa enjoying some coffee.

Aunt Brenda & Uncle Jay came to watch.

Shelby & Zoey came swimming too.

Swimming with Grandpa and Grandma.

Katelyn thought Zoey's goggles were cool.

I think the girls' favorite part of the hotel was the pool!

Katelyn playing with the noodle.

Katelyn held on tight to the butter at the reception, not sure what she thought it was.

Lauren met cousin Samantha at the reception.

Everyone danced the night away..Zoey, Shelby, Lauren and Samantha

Katelyn showing her moves on the dance floor.

Lauren danced the night away

Katelyn & Grandma

Lauren kept trying to grab the lights off the floor.

Katelyn & Alissa, Lauren & Great Grandma

Katelyn resting with Aunt Brenda

By the end of the night we had a couple of tired little girls.