Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Girls doing a little yardwork

Mommy & Andrew

Happy Mother's Day

Our Family

The Girls turn "2"!

Blowing out our candles

Katelyn taking a ride on her new glidder.

Lauren sporting her new sunglasses and dress-up shoes.

Girls trying out their new moon chairs.

Playing with our new doodle pros.

Katelyn with her godmother, Brenda.

Lauren with her godfather, Brian.

Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma & Grandpa

Nana & Pappaw

Andrew is never short on company.

Singing Happy Birthday to each other before daycare.

I asked Katelyn to put her shoes on while I loaded Lauren in the van...those weren't the shoes I had in mind.

Lauren with her "pony".

Andrew enjoys sitting in the exosaucer and watching his sisters playing with the toys on it.

Andrew hanging out in his exosaucer.

The girls take turns reading each other the "I'm a big sister" book.

The girls are teaching Andrew everything he needs to know about the exosaucer.

Hanging out with Shelby at her 1st Communion.

Shelby playing wii in her 1st Communion dress.

Enjoying a little snack

Katelyn taking in some sun.

Our goddaughter made her 1st Communion! Congrats Shelby!

Andrew is becoming such a big boy!

Katelyn spent a lot of time in this carseat as a baby.

Andrew's not so sure about this Bumbo seat.