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Friday, July 31, 2009
Eating Cheerios and watching a little Seame Street before heading to the pool.
Here was the view from our room at the Adventureland Inn.
All ready to go swimming...I think they were planning out what they were going to do first.
Swimming at the hotel mini waterpark.
Just ran under the water umbrella.
Messing around with the mini water jets.
The girls loved going down the cool frog slide.
Lauren's turn down the frog slide.
All done swimming and time to dry off.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
We took the girls to Adventureland for a mini vacation!
In the trolley on the way from our hotel to the park! Getting excited!
Our first ride of the day...The Lady Bugs!!
They rode the Balloon Race with Dad, Mom doesn't ride stuff like this!
Driving the firetruck with Sydney.
We met up with a Tiger, Both were shy at first but Katelyn warmed up to him and gave him a high five.
We all got to ride on the trucks.
Discussing where they should go next...they pretty much led the way the whole day!
This is the chair lift that takes you from one end of the park to the other, way high up in the air!!
Daddy rode the Space Shot a couple of times..the girls called it the "Up and Down"
We rode the airplanes with some friends, it was a good thing they were there to show us how to go up and down.
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Eating Cheerios and watching a little Seame Street...
Here was the view from our room at the Adventurela...
All ready to go swimming...I think they were plann...
Swimming at the hotel mini waterpark.
Just ran under the water umbrella.
Messing around with the mini water jets.
The girls loved going down the cool frog slide.
Lauren's turn down the frog slide.
All done swimming and time to dry off.
We took the girls to Adventureland for a mini vaca...
In the trolley on the way from our hotel to the pa...
Our first ride of the day...The Lady Bugs!!
They rode the Balloon Race with Dad, Mom doesn't r...
Driving the firetruck with Sydney.
We met up with a Tiger, Both were shy at first but...
We all got to ride on the trucks.
Discussing where they should go next...they pretty...
This is the chair lift that takes you from one end...
Daddy rode the Space Shot a couple of times..the g...
We rode the airplanes with some friends, it was a ...
Katelyn rode with Skyler and Lauren rode with Sam.
Our little Red Barron, Lauren :)
This ride was called the Infant Ocean.
Katelyn climbing in the stroller ready to go to th...
Throughout the day whenever we would see the train...
Eating dinner at Sodas & Sounds
They couldn't just sit and watch the show they had...
Puff the Magic Dragon....just like the airplanes t...
Riding the Ladybugs one more time...I think this w...
Last ride of the day..the giant ferriswheel.
We had a great day at Adventureland!!
Grandma had a special birthday this year! Here ar...
Dinner time!
Singing Happy Birthday to Grandma
Helping her blow out her candles.
It was a beautiful evening to play outside.
Playground at The Olson's, so much to do!
First stop the sandbox
Everyone went down the slide many times...includin...
I think we may have wore out the Olson's swings!
A little game of Horse...check out our cheering se...
Katelyn's turn to make a basket...daddy with the a...
Lauren making a slam dunk!
The girls ended the evening catching lightning bug...
Everybody is in their seats and ready for the 4th ...
Andrew's ready for the parade.
The sun really wasn't out, but the girls didn't mi...
Lauren waving her flag at the parade.
Lauren "showing" Andrew her flag....Andrew thinkin...
His sisters got a kick out of his glasses.
Andrew waving at the firetrucks!
By the end of the parade, Katelyn had found a new ...
Nana and her granddaughters at the 4th of July bbq.
Andrew giving his sister a ride, with her help, si...
Andrew thinking you better get out of the way dad,...
Playing a little hop scotch....Lauren really got i...
Katelyn e-mailing Grandma to tell her about her tr...
Lauren getting ready to go to the Indianapolis Chi...
Katelyn playing with some big scuplture thing at t...
They had a carosel right in the museum!
Katelyn making her dinosaur face?
The girls had fun playing with the Mr. Potato Heads.
The girls got to sit in the Indy Car.
The girls had fun driving around the Hummer at Nan...
Katelyn's turn to drive.
Lauren could have drove around all day.
Happy Birthday to Grandma!
Such a big boy now sitting up all by himself.
The girls just kept bringing him more toys.
Monkey see, Monkey do
Andrew's favorite outfit during the heat of the su...
Hanging out in the highchair watching us eat dinner.
Andrew toppled over....never fear his big sisters ...
Grandpa and Grandma and the crew
Happy Father's Day
Andrew and Grandpa
Lauren and Mommy
Say Cheese! That camera is old!
We went to the circus...of course the elephant was...
We got there early and were able to watch the elep...
Katelyn watching so intensely.
They had a singing pig
..and a fast horsey.
A little intermission snack.
Katelyn liked the cotton candy.
Finally time for the Elephant!
Pretty Toes!!
Four 2 year olds = Trouble
Playdoh time!
It's all about the accessories.
Andrew is sooo loved!
Lauren always wants to hold Andrew and say "cheese".
Katelyn went through Mommy's shopping bags and tri...
We tried to sweeten up the cereal with a little ap...
Zio's spegetti....Lauren I think you may have a li...
Watching a little Barney while Mom makes dinner.
Yeah, we finally talked Dad into getting us a sand...
Who is this sandbox for? ahhh yes, my 4 children.
Katelyn takes a lot of "gear" with her to bed.
The girls think it's fun to watch Andrew get a bath.