Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 2 of vacation was a trip to Blank Park Zoo.

Hello Mr. Elephant....whoa, what was that! Mom he sprayed me!

Feeding Mr. Giraffe...check out that tongue!

Katelyn and Lauren with Mr. Giraffe

It was all fine and dandy til his friend came over, then Katelyn wasn't so sure.

Katelyn getting brave, feeding the lamas.

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

All of us on the train at the zoo.

Our last visitor of the day.

Everybody singing to Grandma on her birthday...Grandma trying to decide who was the loudest.

Andrew patiently waiting for some cake!

The girls explaining their birthday cards to Grandma

Andrew loved all the balloons at Grandma's party.

Happy Birthday Grandma!!

Andrew and Grandma just chillin'

We were at a new Chuck E Cheese, they had a lot of different rides.

Hey Mom, you can't get me.

Andrew and Chuck out for a drive.

Riding the Horses

The roller coaster ride where we could watch ourselves on t.v.

Love this ride.

Water slide comes Lauren!

Andrew's turn...he loved it!

Here comes Katelyn and Ryan

Swimming around in the baby pool.

Lauren is way to cool for these shades.

Andrew splashing in a puddle.

This year's 4th of July parade was a hot one...but doesn't Andrew look cool in his shades :)

Patiently waiting for some CANDY!